Oct 17, 2006


"It may be absurb, but don't be naive
Even heroes have the right to bleed..."
Yes, it's today drawings insiration: Bleeding Superheroes. I drew these 2 drawings on the bus when it was raining horribly and the thought of heroes struck me as I was thinking about my Halloween Costume. They were both done by memory and imagination, no reference images and all. Nathan (my instructor) is so gonna kill me for these. The drawing is comic style and not drawing style, the proportion, shadows, shading, everything is wrong... But I guess it suits my feeling of love and life right now. Even superheroes bleed. I'm just a mortal man struggling with me own feelings...

The man of steel down on his knee and bleeding while his love is turning away from him. I guess NeeRaj will be so mad if he knows I'm representing his Superman this way. But I guess everyman has a sentimental side and it's not fair he has to save the world and he has to be always tough and emotionless...

The most tragic moment in X3-The last stand. Not because in this moment Gean is dead. The director killed like half of my favorite characters during the show. It's tragic because Wolverine had to kill Gean himself. It's hard to love some one. It hurts to see someone you love and care deeply about get hurt. But it's the most tragic thing when you know you are the one hurting them. That's how I feel right now...

There you go, the blood, the tears, the rain of even the toughest, strongest guy in the world. And there I wished my wounds would heal as fast as Wolverine's. But I guess some wounds just will never heal...

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