Oct 23, 2006

Pace's Anatomy

Today's topic of drawing is: Body parts. Actually I haven't learned about the human face and the human body anatomy in class yet, so please pardon my lousy technical skills. Furthermore, these were drawn at about 10 minutes per drawing so it's really very draft. it's just an idea, an expression that I used to express what I saw and what I felt. Normally I tend to walk you through what I drew and why I drew them, but to they will just be title, you will have to figure the rest. Also , the body part is from who will be kept a mystery too :)
P.S: Sorry about the quality of the photos. Somehow the scans turned out too dark. It's supposed to be white. I think blogger or my comp messed sth up

Closer The hobbit The back Wet She Butter fly

Super Sexy Eskimo

Rear Mirror And I don't want the world to see me, cuz I don't think that they'll understand...


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

heart wrenching drawings you have there

Pacey's photo blog. Website: Pacevolution.com