Sep 18, 2006

A study of my own emotions

Remember how you used to complain this is my blog and you have never seen my freaking face at all? Here is a study of myself. I was taking photo of myself for my VISA to Japan, and then I got playful. Beware of a BORED & STRESS artist!!! Haha
I took the photos by timer and got them editted in photoshop. The idea is not that original cos a lot of people have used it before, but I think my cuteness made it original. Don't you think? I hope you like it. I'm so ugly but adorable. Hhaahhahahaha

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


I was just browsing around, when I checked out your blog, because I saw it next to your name on MSN messenger. It's very cool. I am glad you are finally pursuing art on some levels. I have always thought you were very good at it. You should really keep developing that talent, I think. You have so much potential. The cooking is, hmm, quite creative. It made me laugh. Hope we can get together again some day! Take care!

Pacey's photo blog. Website: