Sep 10, 2006

Must love dogs
These are the photos I took yesterday during the dog shows. I've never seen so many dogs before in my life. Haha it's so unbelievable. And so cute too. I got about 100 dogs photo (Deliang included. Hehee)

A little Asian girl with a black Angmo dog. How inspiring...

"Dance! Dance!"
3 kids dancing right in front of the outdoor stage where the singers sing about, of course, dogs.

"Adopt me"
A blind dog that is presented so that people will adopt him. Well, if I stay here permanently I may have considered. But too bad I don't. The dog looks so strong, but it can only sees shadow and can only sniff his way through the crowd.

"The photographer"
Kinda fun seeing another photographer at work. Did anyone outthere take my photos?

"Angel in America"
Dog in Angel costume

"Go Eagles! Go!"
A cheerleader for Eagles America football team, who used to suck a few years back, and is having their first match today. The dog is the runner up for "Best dressed" category.

"Cool dude"
A dog dressed in Harvey motocyclist jacket and shades. How cool! he won "Best dressed" dog

"Pirate of the Caribbean's...Pet"
The pet of Captain Jack Sparrow.

"Des Diva"
The winner of "Best Themed" category. She's such a scary diva. Somehow remind me of Weijia. Haahahahahha

A butterfly/dog hybrid. The dog looks almost cute. Think this is the second runner up for "Best dressed"

Cute girl and cute dogs always go together. So cuuuuuuteeeeeee!!!

They are the winners for Best look alike category. The dog has the same headband and hairstyle as her owner

"Must love Adrian"
Still don't quite get it? Check the title again :)

"Back home"
This is our door sign

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