Sep 16, 2006

Drawing - The story of life

I attended my first drawing class at Penn today. I was so excited and so happy. Finally accomplished my childhood dream to pursue arts.
The module is super taxing: 100 sketches, 80 homework, 1 final project, 3 field trips and 20 class drawings in just 20 weeks. But I had fun
So this is my today's entry for this "drawing log book" of the module. It's called "Freedom Delusion", the delusion of us having to be free, yearning to fly uphigh in the sky with our own wings. The cell is social expectation, norms and prejudices that lock us and stops us from being free.

Compared to a piece I did last year in 5 minute during a speed assignment. You can see the similarity and the progress between the 2 pieces. This one is called "Light"

My drawing is so much lousier than my photography, isn't it?

1 comment:

Wang Guang Chen said...

The first drawing makes me think of "Prison Break".haha.

Pacey's photo blog. Website: