Jul 30, 2006

It's always sunny in Philadelphia

I'm sorry for my long long absence. Lately I didn't go out, partially because I'm a lazy ass and partially because I have no $. No going out means nothing to take photos of. Today, in order to fulfill a request from one of my "favourite girls", I post this post. She wanted to see Philly again through my eyes. So there you are, the corners of Philly during a beautiful sunset of July where it's stinking hot and I'm on a flip flop walking more than 40 streets...

"Summer house"
The bush outside of our house with its stunning summer green color

Our train system here which is famous for fucked up, delays and sudden change of routes :) The image is a little blur cos the train moves fast and the lighting was pretty dim.

"Bus stop"
A bus stop near Penn with an Ads on it. Just find it inspiring.

"Feather of a Phoenix"
A phoenix just drops a firy feather on the grass of summer. Will fall come soon? I just love the color of the red leaves. SHot in sunset mode for the warm filter and orange cast layer.

A very vivid and lively bush of yellow daisy. Shot in sunset mode with low depth of field to blur out the crowded background of flowers. Didn't need to alter in Photoshop

"City of Brotherly Love"
A romantic candid shot of a guy and a girl fixing there bicycle in front of the back drop of the famous Philly twin towers. Philly is called the City of Brotherly love for a reason. is this the one?

A glass building near 30th street station. It's sharpness and translucency make it almost look like a blade piercing the sky.

A junction at 30th street. It's always crowded here at this hour.

A piece of trash taken through the wooden frame of a fence. It just conveyed a feeling of a very messy, abandoned and neglected side of Philly


The proud eagle of Philly standing straight staring at the deep blue sky.

"Sunset blossoms"
At the best hour of the sunset, the flowers with its vivid deep yellow shades attracted me. The contrast against green and red just made it irresistable to capture...

A cool fountain in a luxury corner of Philly where executives sit down and have their cup of coffee. Shot in slow shuttle mode with 2 second shuttle open to achieve the silky effect in the water. Shoot in fast shutter and u can see every single drop of water. I prefer this one, it looks more magical and dreamy :)

"To the sky!"
Shot the tower again at close distant from bottom up. I framed it by the 2 buildings to create a creative effect of it.

Buildings so tall that they extend to the sky and stop the sunray casting down to the earth. I took this while I was crossing the street. I just stop in the middle of it, point up and shoot :p.

Benjamin looks toward the immegrants of US. Inspiring

The water cooling the burning sunset of Philly down.

The angel in the fountain during a wonderful after sunset shilohuete. It was taken at 4" shuttle speed for the silky water.

"Sunset burning the streets of Park Towne"
Nice sunset. Full stop.

Don't know how to title this one. Just nice.

There you go, the corners of Philly. Many people say Philly is just boring and black and dirty and high crime rate. It's not true. Every city has it good and bad side. This is just a very beautiful side of Philly, very magnificent and very different. And it is just 30-40 blocks of houses, not the entire city yet.
Hope you have enjoyed this post. More coming soon!!!

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Pacey's photo blog. Website: Pacevolution.com