Jul 11, 2006

Florida Trip Part 2
Well, finally finished editting all the photos. However, I have 100 photos that can consider to be put here. So well, I will split to a few parts. This is the second part

Another heartshape from nature. This is the cloud that is formed outside of the window. I think I'm just more sensitive to these kind of things
My feet on the car window. I think there's something very fascinating about my feet :)
This was a wonderful beach, but sadly it was private. I keep on wondering to myself "Who gives them the right to own nature and ban others from enjoying it?"
"Blue Ocean"
Finally we hit a beautiful public beach. The color is natural, no touch up, not at all :)
"The sky"
Different states of the sky from a day. I'm just fascinated by the color of the sky, everywhere...
"Rainbow in the rain"
It rained a little. And after that there was a beautiful rainbow. The color was quite faint because of the cloudy weather so I enhanced it a little bit. Hope it is not too dark.
Rain drops on our car window. I just love moments like these, no setting, no posing. Nature is always the best place to find beauty :)
This junction just has damn a lot of traffic lights on and they are hanging in the air. The traffic polices here must be contemporary artists, I guess.
"Little girl and the sea"
Another shot of innocent children in action. I love the wave and the way they come at her. They look very active, very lively together.
"Lady on the street"
A beautiful figure I saw on the street. Well, guess I'm just sensitive to beauty, alive or still life :)

"Life by the river"
A few shots of the normal everyday peaceful life by the river of Fort Lauderdale

See you next time...

1 comment:

Wang Guang Chen said...

nice photos:) I like the sunset one.....i can feel a lot of emotions..

Pacey's photo blog. Website: Pacevolution.com