Aug 10, 2006

My NOISE Design entry

These are my 2 entries for the CD Cover Design. The CD is named "Sex in the City" with a collection of sensational songs (for couple to have sex with, I guess). I hope you like it. Sorta playful a little bit with these designs.

Cover 1: Secrets.
Look behind closed doors and beyond closed minds. Sex doesn't always mean lust and sin, it means intimacy and love sometimes. An eye watching over an embraced couple through a keyhole. It's sex in the city, it's the mixture between privacy and intimacy (the keyhole); secrets and curiosity (the watching eye) and pure sensational sex.

Cover 2: Come play with me
A playful cover with parts of the body, half revealing, half covered, a little inviting, a little mysterious. The lipstick traces written over the body is an invitation, a blod moves to the world of intimacy and sensations of sex. The belly button is replaced by the CD hole. Normally people will just avoid this whole and let it there. I want it to be a part of the design on purpose, like another game that u can play. (Think about when you have to take the CD out, you are putting ur finger through his belly) :) Enjoy

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