Aug 18, 2006

My company's website

Sorry for my long absence. It's not that I stopped designing. I never stop designing. It's just I'm working on a BIG project now (my own website). I've been working nonstop everynight after my official fulltime day work. Finished like about 30% of just the intro. I think will take a month or so for it to be published.
This Sunday, if there's no thunderstorm (I'm still keeping my finger crossed), Joe's gonna take me to New York City on his air plane. I will take a lot of arerial photography from the plane. So stay tune and pray hard that's there's no thunderstorm this Sunday.
For now, let enjoy a few designs that I've drafted for my company's new website. I hope my boss will like it and let one of it to be our official new look.
I'm dead broke now so if u have any design job, contact me yah :)

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