Jan 14, 2007

First school assignment

This semester is gonna be a seriously busy one, so don't be surprised if I hibernate from the surface of the earth for like a few weeks. I got 4 modules, 3 of them 100%CA, the other only has 35% exam. And my HYP too. Anyway I chose it that way so I won't complain.
I started off the Sem with a design course. And I already have an assignment. This is my first assignment. We have to come up with a design for a play that is darkly comical, surrealistic and experimental. It is about someone sacrifice his/her life for someone else's future and ended up with broken dreams and a twisted life.
So this is the plot that i came up with:
You only have the beginning: Two brothers have a chance to go to Med school but the family can only afford one to go. It's their parents' wish before they died that they become doctors. The younger brother has passion in Arts. WHile the other one is always good at business
You only know the end: The older guy becomes a businessman. The younger guy becomes an Artist. They both struggle with their life and blame thier brother for their lost dreams.
SO what happened in between? That's what the play is about. The play will play out 3, 4 possible sequences of things that happened in between this beginning and this ending. This is where the surrealism, the dark comedy and the experimental comes in. You decide for yourself what is real, what is dream, what is fact, what is an act...
And this is the poster...

OK, critics session later this afternoon. After the session he always asked: Would you go for such play after seeing this poster?
So what's your answer?

1 comment:

una hoja de este árbol said...


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