Jun 7, 2008

Shanghai photo documentary - First day

OK Finally this is the first (and last part) pf my Shanghai trip. This was the first day when we just touched down and it snowed. We were so excited.

Fast train
This is an express train from Airport to center City. I was really impressed with this one
This is m colleague Terence. I just like his expression on this one
Peaceful Suzhou

Happy Cluster
We were still sitting in the same area then. These days each person one floor, sad...
It's a bird? It's a plane? It's...ermm...
Actually Kevin looks so gay and "Sounds of Colors"ish
Can guess what it is? It's a drain covered with snow

Something very China

A tear in a cover of a pathway for passenger, letting snow and light piercing through
Winter Sonata
Or Korean beauty and the beast
I actually climbed up a very slippery rock to get this view from top down. Anything for a good photo that is
Like a flower in the snow storm


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Pacey's photo blog. Website: Pacevolution.com