Apr 15, 2007

Tiny little things

I was bored in my room. Well, bored is not the word. More like rotting. So I took my camera running around. Here are a few photos I took the last few days

It's a snail taken at about 11pm outside my door. The yellow light casting is very strong and the snail is...of course...very slow. Almost static It was there.

This one is an insect (grasshopper?) outside my room when I went out to toilet. Was kinda big and nice, it looks really like a big leaf.

I was bored yesterday so I was playig around with my blue tag. It's kinda fun being back to childhood playing with clay and making things out of other things. This one is a bird

And a dice. I put the 10 cent beside so you all can compare size

This is a rose. Can you tell?

That's it for today. Hopefully next week when I'm more free I'll be able to come up with better stuffs

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Pacey's photo blog. Website: Pacevolution.com