Dec 14, 2006

Home for dinner

These are the dishes I cooked for Wednesday dinner. Authentic Vietnamese food is not easy to find.

THE Dinner
Spicy Fried squid - Thai style :)

Egg salad
Chicken and white fungus soup
Steamed taufu (The only authentic Vietnamese vegetarian food that I know how to cook and had never tried before until last Wed)
Rocket shrimp and spring rools. (The rocket schrimp is finished like 30 seconds after they are served.
Salad rolls (which not so many people wanted to eat cos it's "too healthy")

Also, I want to introduce to you my latest addition to my gadget family: Bryant (meaning: faithful). It's a wooden figure for Arts my roomie bought for me cos he thought my figure drawing sucks. Thanks a lot roomie.

More and more pictures and arts work will start flooding this blog soon. So stay tuned

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