Feb 27, 2007

Just for you - The MTV

Finish this before Chinese New Year but didn't have the time to upload. This is a MTV we did for a project in school (See, told you our stream is the most interesting). We did our own voice recording (yes, I sang as one of the back up voices), our own video taking, I did the directing and the video editing. Another funny product from PacEvoluTion studio

This is an MTV about a love story. :p The theme is of course "Men should stay single". The rest I'll leave you to watch the video and listen to the lyrics.

The original song was in German and was composed and sung by "Wise guys" from Germany. A wonderful Acapella group so please check them out. Full credit goes to them. The translation was (lousily) done by me.

So here it is, enjoy: "Just for you"

Family photos :)

These are the pictures I took with my family this Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year). I belive I never posted any family photos on this blog before. So well, enjoy :) (Sorry, I'm too busy to blog longer. Just came back Sing and assignments are alr killing me)

Family photos :)

These are the pictures I took with my family this Tet (Vietnamese Lunar New Year). I belive I never posted any family photos on this blog before. So well, enjoy :) (Sorry, I'm too busy to blog longer. Just came back Sing and assignments are alr killing me)

Feb 4, 2007

Valentine's special

Forget those countdown to Valentines, those overly exaggerated posters and events, THIS IS what you should see for your 14 Feb, an overly commercialized events where attached couples trying to prove us singles are suckers.
Present to you singles, 14th Feb Poster:

The style is a bit unlike mine since normally I go for ugly beautiful, over colorful and messy aesthetics. This is the first time I try to use copyright as the center of my design.

Hope you like the jokes. Just in case you haven't realized, it's a war call in Lord of the Rings style...

Pacey's photo blog. Website: Pacevolution.com